All The Pretty Little Horses (Current 93 cover)
This is one of my favorite songs of all time: – recorded by Sony PCM-M10 on December 2011
KBS 제1라디오 ‘스마트 라디오’ (7월 8일)
어제 출연한 라디오 프로그램의 다시듣기가 나왔습니다. 에드워드 스노든의 NSA 폭로 사건과 도청에 대한 오해와 진실, 그리고 대책에 대해서 다루었어요.
Weekly TV show and live radio
Did a double header for my weekly TV show today since the entire TV station takes a day off next week: After 5+ hours of preparation and shooting, I did a live radio show. Discussed about the NSA leak and online surveillance and eavesdropping:
Started a weekly TV show
I’ve been presenting for a local weekly TV show three weeks ago. The show brings softened national security news to audience. My appearance is going to be aired since July 10. I’ll let you know when it goes online.
Park and the Unification Ministry in dissonance again
I wrote this for NK News on May 15 but it was discarded, citing it is too one-sided. I’ll let you judge it. —Subin SEOUL—President Park was again out of step with the Ministry of Unification on the North Korea issue. The ministry had to turn its posture upside down after Park called for talks…