North Korea

  • My first story on the Guardian

    My first story on the Guardian

    So the Guardian republished my story for NK News (original version), on Walmart-like chain stores in Pyongyang.

  • my two cents on another OPCON transfer delay

    my two cents on another OPCON transfer delay

      Another delay has been made in transferring wartime operational control (OPCON) to ROK from the U.S. This is what I told NK News about it: Military analyst Subin Kim said that while the basic policy objective – South Korea eventually assuming full control over its defenses – remains in place, the latest announcement offers…

  • Interview with Chung-in Moon (for NK News)

    Interview with Chung-in Moon (for NK News)

    Some points raised by Prof. Moon during the interview: Park’s policy is ultimately aimed at reunification through absorption – something the North will resist – and her plans have thus far avoided specifics Despite their summits together, the leadership of China and South Korea still have deep disagreements The United States displays no interest in…

  • 주한미군 철수 안돼! 왜? 한국이 독재국가가 될지도 모르거든

    주한미군 철수 안돼! 왜? 한국이 독재국가가 될지도 모르거든

    주한미군 이슈는 정세가 변할 때마다 갖가지 논쟁의 불씨를 지핀다. 살펴보면 우리가 흔히 생각하는 것보다 훨씬 다양한 논의의 스펙트럼이 펼쳐져 있다는 걸 알 수 있다. 최근에는 중국과 미국의 경쟁을 염두에 두고, ‘미래’의 통일한국에서 주한미군이 철수해야 하는지에 대한 논쟁이 오가고 있다. 통일 이후에 주한미군을 철수하겠다는 정도의 약조가 미국에서 있어줘야 그나마 중국이 (북한을 버리고) 한국 주도의 통일에 협력을…

  • The new year’s monologue of Kim Jong Un

    The new year’s monologue of Kim Jong Un

    Among all the crappy things South Korean journalism practices, fictional first person is the worst. Yes, you read it right: it’s in the first person and it’s fictional since you are writing as a guy who you are not. Why? Somehow the curmudgeons of journalism seem to think it would be far easier for the audience…