
  • 방탄커피를 위한 커피 보관법: 냉장고에 보관하면 절대 안되는 이유

    방탄커피를 위한 커피 보관법: 냉장고에 보관하면 절대 안되는 이유

    제대로 된 방탄커피를 마시기 위해서는 커피 보관법도 매우 중요합니다. 좋은 커피를 고르는 간단한 방법과 오랫동안 신선하게 커피를 보관하는 방법을 알려드립니다. 수빈킴이 맨즈헬스에 나왔다고요? 00:11 구독자도 100명이 넘었다면서요? 00:27 커피는 사는 것보다 보관이 더 중요합니다 00:52 이게 다 곰팡이 때문이다 01:14 언제는 커피가 몸에 좋다고 했다가 또 언제는 안좋다고 하는 까닭 01:25 여러분 곰팡이가 이렇게 무섭습니다…

  • Business in North Korea: How not to Suffer the Misfortune of Kaesong Complex

    Business in North Korea: How not to Suffer the Misfortune of Kaesong Complex

    [note note_color=”#f3f3ef”]More refined version (with a proper edit) appeared on the Dissolve[/note] Business opportunity in North Korea is again gaining traction these days. Resources are abundant and labor is cheap, we’d been told numerous times about North Korea’s business potential. While some including me are quite skeptical about 86’ers‘ rosy wet dreams about business in…

  • When economist approach to North Korea issue goes off the mark

    When economist approach to North Korea issue goes off the mark

    [note note_color=”#f3f3ef”]More refined version (with a proper edit) appeared on the Dissolve[/note] Economics seems to shed a light of reason when sight is murky by the shade that is politics. Politics is chaotic, illogical or plain dumb (maybe both) while economics guide us, with its calm voice of science, through this raucous bazaar of human…

  • Does North Korean diplomacy always clearly reflect Kim’s intention?

    Does North Korean diplomacy always clearly reflect Kim’s intention?

    With the much-anticipated Trump-Kim summit abruptly called off, many project their analysis in every possible angle. Some say opposite pressure from the Washington establishment was so strong while others say Kim Jong Un had no sincere intention for diplomacy at the first place. A senior White House official is reported to have said North Koreans…

  • What defected North Korean diplomat Thae said of the BBC

    What defected North Korean diplomat Thae said of the BBC

    Thae Yong Ho has released The Code of the Three-storey Secretary Office, a memoir of his diplomatic service days last week. Since I am working for the BBC, I was interested what he has written on the BBC and there are several paragraphs in which he remembers things, especially about the Korean service: [quote cite=”태영호, 3층…