
  • critical Google Play Book #FAIL

    critical Google Play Book #FAIL

    Google Books app has been around for years, so I wonder:

  • ‘Massive purge’ less likely to follow—ROK expert

    ‘Massive purge’ less likely to follow—ROK expert

    Though experts divide on what will follow Jang Song Thaek’s demise, one thing seems to be sure among them:  “a massive, bloody purging of Jang Song Thaek’s people,” as Sunny Lee suggests. For such a tightly closed, exclusive country, we can’t never be sure of anything about it and a contrarian is whom we should listen…

  • The NIS report on Jang Song Thaek purge—my take

    The NIS report on Jang Song Thaek purge—my take

    I was asked what my thoughts are on the controversial NIS report on Jang Song Thaek’s purge. It is yet beyond verification whether Jang was actually purged or not and there were reports which brought up that Jang may already have lost his influence in early this year. I’d like to focus on the NIS…

  • Interview with Lee Jong-seok

    Interview with Lee Jong-seok

    Ex-negotiator: Talk, not sanctions, needed to solve nuclear issue Seoul has no plan, while Washington shows no will, former Roh Moo-hyun aid says BY SUBIN KIM , NOVEMBER 25, 2013 A strong aversion to North Korea among policy-makers in Washington and Seoul is hindering the push for a fresh breakthrough in North Korea issues, former…

  • Original draft for Chung Dong-young interivew

    [note note_color=”#e6e6e6″]…of which I wrote for NK News.[/note] INTRODUCTION TO CHUNG DONG-YOUNG As a chairman of the National Security Council and the Minister of Unification, Chung Dong-young headed Roh Moo-hyun government’s North Korea policy. As a chairman of the National Security Council, he persuaded Donald Rumsfeld, then U.S. Secretary of Defense to cooperate on building Kaesong Industrial…