a victory for “liberal democracy”

"Dissolution of the UPP, a victory for liberal democracy won by 50M [people]," reads a banner hung after the Constitutional Court's decision

Now you would acknowledge there is a unique Korean brand of liberal democracy, vehemently supported mostly by elders of the nation.

an age fades away

I was 9 when the city of Daejeon hosted the first international exposition in Korea. My memories are so dim now that I can barely remember the really long queue of people, waiting for entrance, with the glimpse of the Hanbit tower in the background. There had been words that day the cumulative number of……


my two cents on another OPCON transfer delay

  Another delay has been made in transferring wartime operational control (OPCON) to ROK from the U.S. This is what I told NK News about it: Military analyst Subin Kim said that while the basic policy objective – South Korea eventually assuming full control over its defenses – remains in place, the latest announcement offers……

Interview with Chung-in Moon (for NK News)

Some points raised by Prof. Moon during the interview: Park’s policy is ultimately aimed at reunification through absorption – something the North will resist – and her plans have thus far avoided specifics Despite their summits together, the leadership of China and South Korea still have deep disagreements The United States displays no interest in……

“Jesus Will Come Soon Hell”

Christian extremists innovated themselves to the extent no one would have expected—now they are claiming even “Jesus will come soon hell” and the reason why Jesus goes to hell seems to be… “gluco chip.”