
  • The Great Crevasse that Cuts Through the Squares

    The Great Crevasse that Cuts Through the Squares

    Three hundred meters. From Seoul Square to Gwanghwamun Square. The psychological, if not cognitive, distance between the two, however, is far wider than the physical. While those who gathered around Gwanghwamun, with trademark candles in their hands, call for the impeachment of President Park, those who gathered in front of City Hall vehemently counter what…

  • Dissecting Pres Park’s last interview

    Dissecting Pres Park’s last interview

    I began to write on Korean politics and whatnot for a newborn webzine The Dissolve. This was the first piece I wrote: Speech has never been President Park’s strong suit. Dull and inarticulate, the way she speaks in public haunted her aides during her (ultimately) successful presidential campaign in 2012 and after. She rarely shows her…

  • 스티브 배넌, 그리고 ‘새로운 우파’의 시대

    스티브 배넌, 그리고 ‘새로운 우파’의 시대

    오래 전부터 율리우스 에볼라와 유럽 신우파nouvelle droite에 대해 많은 관심을 갖고 있었는데 스티브 배넌의 등장으로 그간 언더그라운드에 묻혀 있던 이 ‘새로운 우파’에 대한 논의가 갑자기 스타덤(?)에 올라버렸더군요. 그래서 배넌과 세계적으로 부흥하고 있는 새로운 우파에 관해 정리해 보았습니다. 백인 우월주의자. 반유대주의자. 파시스트. 여성혐오자. 개중 하나만 듣더라도 그닥 가까이 하고 싶지 않은 사람일 텐데 이 모든 표현을…

  • What Ban Ki-moon has to learn from the past

    What Ban Ki-moon has to learn from the past

    [box title=”Note” box_color=”#777777″]I wrote this piece Jan 16, when Ban was still hot in ROK politics. It was written for a project I’m participating but it was losing its relevance to the current ROK politics as the publication got delayed with new events happening. Finally, it had a death sentence when Ban abruptly threw in the towel…